The Gloucester County Bar Association and its members have represented the residents of Southern New Jersey for over 100 years. Our mission is to improve access to the legal system, facilitate professionalism in the legal community, foster a better understanding of the legal system within the community at large, and promote justice for everyone. The Association consists of hundreds of local attorneys who are dedicated to this objective. To further this goal, the Association maintains and runs the county-wide Lawyer Referral Service, which is designed to assist members of the public with finding an attorney in their area of need. If you are in need of legal assistance and would like more information on selecting a lawyer, learn more about our program here.
Members of the Association routinely donate their time to provide presentations to civic, educational, and professional organizations. This includes Association-wide participation in the Vincent J. Apruzzese High School Mock Trial Competition; a state-wide event held each January that provides high school students with a real-world courtroom experience. Members participate by filling the roles of high school mock trial team coaches, judges, bailiffs, and organizers of this annual event.
The GCBA has two charitable arms which further serve the Association’s overall mission. The Gloucester County Legal Education Association (GCLEA) provides continuing legal education services. The Gloucester County Bar Foundation raises funds in furtherance of its charitable goals. We invite you to learn more about these organizations by visiting their respective websites.

The Association thanks our generous annual sponsors who provide financial support to our organization allowing us to carry out our mission

Contact Us
PO Box 338
Woodbury, NJ 08096
© Copyright Gloucester County Bar Association 2023-24. All rights reserved.